Today is a terrible day. Genetics paper if you wonder why.
After browsing through the past semester papers, we all get ourselves prepared for the toughest questions on earth from Dr. Gideon. And he never fails to disappoint us. The questions were tough, especially the HWE, which I gave away 25 marks just like that. Okay, never mind, just 25 marks! My coursework marks are high enough to cover back, lagipun, everyone don't know how to solve the question, not only me. BUT, the main point is, other that this, I made another 2 MAJOR careless mistakes which contribute to the loss of another 10+ marks. Oh shit! I was cursing myself like hell for making such silly mistakes. =(
Okay, and so I officially declared the death of UESB 2213 Genetics.
Hmm.. Got to be strong. Climb up bravely from where I fell. That's the way.
p/s: Hungry. But I just rejected my housemates who asked me out for dinner. Boohoooo. *tears pouring out*
dear, cheer up ya!
i dunwan u to be moody... prepare for the next paper.. then if have time we go WINDOW shopping k?
add oil my dear!
Now we have an excuse to celebrate.. Let's celebrate for the death of Genetics!..
Just be optimistic yii..
+u gal dun b sad!cheer up!look 4ward to the freedom u get after exams!=)
=.= hungry donwan eat dinner la ... tak cukup kurus ke sekarang? swt....
Cry somemore ... kering baru tau XD ... later become flaccid hahahaha
because u bully me la, i become flaccid. Btw, diet is good for me coz i gain too much weight during study week. *cry*
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