Exam period. Why am I here?
Oh, because of today's paper I'm totally out of mood to study.
Because PPStream is too slow to load I couldn't enjoy my drama session.
And because I couldn't even sign in msn ler, stupid.
But never mind since I have 10 days break until my coming paper, so I guess I can relax a bit (at least for today and tomorrow) before I start torturing my brain cells again.
I actually wanted to show off our Biotech class tee, but it will take me ages to upload the pictures with the speed of the line now. So, I better find some other things to do. >.<
p/s: Kelvin Lim I'm not yet flaccid. Don't bully me T____T (sounds more like I'm bullying u most of the time) Haha. *winks*
pp/s: Mummy daddy I miss you all, your daughter is a bit useless lah. >.<
ppp/s: Adddddd oil! Nothing can defeat me! Courage is the key.
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