Since today was the very last tutorial session with Mr. Patrick, I personally requested him to take a group photo with few of us (since the others were busy and most cabut edi).
Not a very nice pic, due to the wrong camera setting and maybe also the lighting. However, it's the memories that makes it priceless.
I will seriously miss Patrick a lot. His tutorials are full of fun and laughter and is one that I've never and will never miss to attend. (unless I'm admitted to hospital lar). Laugh.
He taught us more than just Management. He always made me put on my thinking caps. Questions like, "What is time?". So simple yet so difficult. And the stories of the successful persons did inspired me a lot.
He taught me that, Failure is not the foundation to success. This is so true. =) Planning and evaluation is equally important in order to success.
Hope he'll still be a part time tutor in UTAR for the following years. So, that I'll get a chance to be taught by him again. XD
He's so far one of the best tutors of mine. Thanks thanks.
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