Today is the start of the new semester. Yea, it's already Year 2 semester 1.. so fast! There are a few major changes this semester. First of all, we have an extra tutorial group as there are 10 Diplomas from TARC joined us. Out of the 10 only 2 or 3 are guys while the rest are all girls! Well, you get my point? Meaning still no leng cai to 'kap' lo.. Haih.. The guys are happy lo, coz they have more and more leng lui around.. Not fair at all! =s
The next big thing is, our Biotech's 'Dai Lou' (course rep), Francis claimed that he's 'old' and ask for retirement. Therefore, Mr. MZ Leong took his place as 'Dai Lou'.
This semester will be even worse than last semester, I can feel that. 4 Science subjects, all requires good understanding of concept and memorizing, plus 1 elective subject, purely memorizing, I guess. God bless. Well, Dr. Wong is still teaching us! Somemore teaching Physiology! *faint* Imagine, on the 1st week, 1st day, 1st lecture, almost all the lecturers have already listed down the dates for assessments and mid-terms. We are forced to face the reality. Whatever it is, I'll just gonna go ahead and enjoy my Week One! Muahahaha XD
Enjoy 1st lar.. If not I don't have time to enjoy d lor..
p/s: I have 4 lab sessions this semester.. OMG OMG.. Going to have endless lab reports.. =(
p/p/s: One of the lab test falls on my birthday! OMG.. Disaster! How could this happen.. *cry*
p/p/p/s: Going or not going to industrial training? If going, going to ZOO or to hospital or to factories?
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