It's fun to see that everyone has started to 'countdown'
*in msn*
Some countdown for how many subjects left,
Some count for how many days left..
A lot of different different pattern..
After bio exam today, it's seems like the exam has already over..
So damn Relax..
Hey come on, still got another 3 subjects to go lo..
3? Oppss.. It should be 4.. including Pengajian Malaysia
But almost everyone have forget about it
since it will not be counted as part of our CGPAs.. Lolx
Liangz said,"wah.. ayii 你不把 PM 放在眼里"
Haha.. Then I said:"Memang lah~" *evil laugh*
So.. Whole day d.. I spent whole day doing nothing..
Gotta back to study right now..
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