Sunday, March 29, 2009

Paying debts.

Hehe. Sorry. Here are my Project 365 for 5 consecutive days. I know it shouldn't be like that but.. *speechless*

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Project 365: Day 23

Name modification.

Blah. And they are now calling me Money. Haha. If you understand.

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Project 365: Day 24

Peace. A lovely tee from Kitschen.

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Project 365: Day 25

Life in culture vials. Kinda amazing.

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Project 365: Day 26

Earth Hour -- Walk of hope.

Reuse Recycle Reduce + Refuse.

Save our mother nature. I don't want the ending of human being to be like portrayed in Knowing.

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Project 365: Day 27

Lunch at Sushi Zanmai @ The Gardens. =)

So yummy can die.