|| Super long picture post ||
Location: Winter Warmers @ Gurney, Penang.
We had a little gathering at Winter Warmers, Gurney the other day, also as the pre-birthday celebration for Dear. Love the place so much! The food is awesome too!
English style of table settings. Nice.
Sherril and I shared the Iced Peach Tea which comes in a jug.
Slurrpp ~
My very yummy Chicken Cheese Bake. [Taste much more better than Pasta Mania's]
Sizzling hot. *drooling*
Our shared Mix Fruit Waffle.
Keep cam-whoring. When only can start eating wor?
Ready to go.
Me fooling around with the fruit deco.
Heh~ No more image liao *bang head* ["Artwork" by Shyuan]
Dear's birthday cake.
"What wish to make leh?"
XD. Happy Always.
The cake's fate.
Prize giving ceremony by Sherril Leow.
What kind of facial expression is this huh?
Darling Sherril.
Dear, the birthday girl.
Group photo of the day. =)
The famous quote of the day [by me],
"Hey, don't you ruin my photo!"
Overall, a great, nice day.
Photo credits to Dear. Thanks to her Canon Power Shot. Makes me more and more looking forward to get a DSLR.
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