Under the request of cg, I'm now blogging a bit about my intern.
So, moving on to week two of internship, I'm finally not so free anymore. Because, I have started my project this week, in precise, today. My project is actually more related to Chemistry and is not really my interest. I'm more interested to my friend's project, which is more to biology side. They even have experiments with rats. *envy*
Okay, back to my project but not too much details on that, only some pictures.
This is the small corner that I worked on my project this whole morning. Apparently it's a fume chamber lah because I'm dealing with some corrosive materials and chloroform.
These are some of the apparatus that is needed for the experiment.
Then, the samples are pipetted into this cute glass bottle.
Total of 8 samples I have prepared today. The samples are left overnight at the machine for analysis. Result will be obtained the next day. =)
I have to say that my pipetting skill is really really really very lousy. The volume are not accurate at all. My result would probably screwed up too.
I'm still so blur so blur so blur..
So, basically, it was a tired day for me. I worked in the lab alone. So lonely. The lab assistant make fool of me pulak. I asked him how to switch off the machine in Malay which sound like this, "Encik, macam mana nak tutup machine tu?" Guess what he replied me? He said, " OOO.. you pi cari satu kain besar bolehlah tutup mesin tu.."
=_______= What do you expect me to say then? Sigh. But he's a very helpful tough, just a bit naughty and playful like me. XD
I'm loving this blue blue skies. Nice weather for an island vacation. I want holidays!!!!!!!
Because of the weather and too much of Oreo, I fell sick. Fever + cough. Hope I could get well before Saturday. If not, how am I going to work?
p/s: Mr. Liew FK is planning for a trip to Sabah next year January before the new semester commence. Any TeFour-ian interested please let me know ya. =)
haiz, my exp only start next week.
when i asked my supervisor is my exp will use rats, she laugh n said "mice only my girl, i dun dare to use rats" tat left me very blur til now.
wat's the different between rats n mice? bukan both also lao shu?
Haiyah.. Rats is big one, black one, dirty one always found in longkang. Mice are those white color one.. the one that we disected in foundation.. Hahaha...
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