My most tiring trip ever. Even more tiring than hiking Bukit Tabur. But I have a lot of fun cycling around with the consequence of severe muscle ache on my legs and butt. =(
I’ll let the photos tell the stories. Enjoy~
Photo credits to Jynn, Greg and me myself XD.
Upon reaching, I took a portrait of Greg-o-rule. =) Nice leh.
Rented a bicycle.
And test drive ride. =)
Have fun riding down the slope. Have the feeling of flying. Weeee~ Love.
The view in the park is superb.
Peacefulness that I long for.
Some weird looking trees that I have got no idea why it looked like that.
Random shot of the grass slope while I stopped by for a sip of water.
Then we came across this tower/tree house.
And this beautiful lake, full of algae, Dr. W’s favourite subject for research.
When emoness strikes.
Liangie trying to jump and I stopped him.
He bu shuang-ed me, and wanted to dump me into the lake! Arggghhh..
Anyway, we shake hand and become good friends again. =)
The daddy. The Mummy. The daughter.
This was taken by my SE K810i. Nice or not?
Crave for more? More pics in the coming post. Stay tune.
p/s: Busy doing souvenirs for blood donation. Do support =)
So nice~ Too bad i din go...sien...
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