Hello people! Finally I’m back! Yeah, had a really great weekend in the East Coast. Love that!
In case you wonder, this was where I spent my weekend – Endau-Mersing.
Mersing is better known as the jetty to Tioman Island.
So, after the afternoon class on Thursday, we drove to Mersing with the main purpose of attending Sifu’s house warming in Endau, plus fulfilling my crave of travelling to somewhere.
The journey from KL to Endau took us around 5 hours where we crossed Selangor to N.Sembilan, passed by Pahang and finally reached Endau, Johor. The scenery along the road was awesome! It was some countryside houses and plantation that I love a lot.
Beautiful sunset.
The next day, we went for a short trip to Mersing town which is 30 minutes drive away from Endau for some sight seeing.
It was the day where the sun shines bright and the sky appear to be clear blue in colour.
My all time favourite clear blue sky.
Somewhere along the jetty.
The boats.
Looking out to the South China Sea. Weeee~
It was so hot that everyone almost melted. This was our only shelter.
That’s all for Mersing trip.
The rest of the days in Endau are very much associated with food, particularly seafood and bak kut teh, fun, laughter, travelling and being bullied by a little fella.
I start to miss the lovely angel a lot. Yes, he’s super adorable that everyone couldn’t resist to sayang-ed him to the max.
As a result of the combination of the sunshine in East Coast plus the good food that we had, I came back with a bloated tummy and completely tanned skin. Do not doubt, I’m exactly an Indian right now, or you would like to call me Nyonya or whatever, I don’t mind!
Wonderful weekend ended with the hectic timetable on Monday =(
Super tiring day Monday! And I hate chemistry lab because no air con. So hot can die.
Note: Photos taken by SE K810i (3.2mp).
gal,ur somewhere-along-the-jetty pic is very beautiful!=)
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