After going through 14 weeks of lectures, 1 week of study week and 3 weeks of exam, finally it marked an end to my Y2S2 of degree.
Y2S2 was pretty though for me personally, I don’t know about the others. Well, the subjects were interesting, but not when you have them tested in mid terms or finals.
Throughout the semester we learnt more and more new things, like breeding Drosophila as part of our experiment, get our hands on real tissue culture experiments and so on.
These are the Drosophilas that are RIP already because they had been over etherized.
Living plantlets derived from explants. It really sounds impressive to me. However, these are not our work. Our actual work had contaminations all around, here and there. Lol. Poor skills.
Besides, it was not an easy semester for us, the Biotechs partly because our terrible timetable. But we manage to go through it despite the physical and mental challenges. And after the many many problems that occurred, we finally came to a conclusion that we actually have the best course representative in the whole wide world! Thank you banyak-banyak Min Zhin!
People, we have one more year, 2 more semesters left. I feel bad whenever I think about it. I will appreciate the time that we spend together. I am lucky to have everyone of you as my friend, you guys paint my life colourful!
The coming semesters will be even tougher, thanks to FYI and thesis and lots more. We have 2 more weeks’ rest before we officially starts our life as a ‘Final Year Student’. Omg, this term really freaks me out. –___-
Till then, take care =)
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