It's Sushi Day! We Cymearn made sushi for lunch today. As for me, I just standby to eat only. Muahaha
The making of....... Sushi.
The outcome:
Not sure what is this called in Japanese but it's cute rite??
Steamed eggs, Japanese style which I forget what it's called. (Failed!! Because we over-steamed it =X)
Last but not least, let me present you the chef of the day!!
Aiyer. Extreme Yumness. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Good day people.
p/s: I wonder why my gene of laziness is expressed so much. Sighs.
Omg wats with Simon's expression =.= ...
Where is muah share ... dun kiam siap mah din eat lunch u knoww
So sadd
wa sehhh simon can make sushi ar!?.. cool!..
The steam egg is called Chawanmushi, and the triangle thing is onigiri ^^
yea.. Simon told me that but I have forgetten already. Haha
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