Back to Uni. Sien.
I'm such a good girl today. Because I didn't doze off during Molecular lecture today =) Although my mind and soul melayang a bit but I manage to caught them back after a few minutes seconds.
Another thing, I came back from Uni, skipped my nap time and straight away proceed to Molecular report and tutorial. So good girl rite? But do you know why? Because report has to be submitted tomorrow and Molecular tutorial is scheduled on tomorrow too! SO, that's why I'm so good girl lah.
Have listed a to-do-list and hopefully I'll manage to complete them all as soon as possible. Because I have so many things to do, because Genetics test 1 is coming soon in another 17 days, 11 hours, 5 mins and 38 seconds (refer to the countdown machine in Kiasu Spirit) and because all these because, I even neglected my dramas. Ok fine.
Visited Sipak's house at Serdang. Had a very yummylicious home cooked lunch. Thank you aunty! =) Played black jack later on and lose a lot of $$ Urghhh.. Totally no luck at all! Sien.
So poor until no $$ to come back by KTM and LRT, that's why Sipak FedEx me back instead.
So sad I cannot be in Penang during CNY DAY 9. Cannot celebrate Sky God's Birthday. =( Anyway, I did pray, with my bare hands. So, god please bless me.
That's all for now. Might be busy. Might have nothing to blog about due to the bored and routine uni life packed with reports and assignments. So, we'll see how.
p/s: Liar! My TGI!!
O.o I din know FedEx deliver human ... nid how long for you to reach Setapak from Serdang ah? XDXD
P/S: How is their service? Got simply throw the package (with you inside) here and there? or very safe? HAHAHAHAHAHA
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