The Drosophilas! *bang head* They screwed up my bright, sunny Friday! p/s: Drosophila is more commonly known as fruit fly.
Went to check them out last Friday and noticed that they, ate well, sleep well, grow well and mate well. Oh, so good. But then, we etherized the Drosophila for too long until they were all dead. Omg. In the end, we have to borrow the Drosophila from other groups. So, we was darn busy with the Drosophila until we can only have lunch at 3pm. That was the busiest day I have ever had. @@
Then on Saturday, after Dr. Gideon's 3 hours Genetics Replacement class, off we went to FGS Dong Zen Temple. Reached home at 12am.
Sunday was great. I woke up at 5am and went hiking with the Taekwandos at Bukit Tabur. =) Wohoo~ Another new year resolution achieved! So happy!
Will blog in details about the trips after I gather all the photos from everywhere lah!
Till then. I'm darn tired I need a good sleep.
Wah I woke up liao ... 3 hours of slp HAHAHAHA
Whoa~ I only slept for one hour+
Now, I'm suffering from muscle pain all over the body. T____T
Me too..
I am suffering chest part muscle pain too...but i still can sleep 2 hours..hehe
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