I was spending my afternoon chatting with darling Sherril. From what I see and hear, she's not doing very well and what I'm sad of is that I couldn't even help her. I can clearly feel her pain and I understand that time might be the best or the only remedy. Everyone just has their own problems.
As for me, I'm not doing any better, or maybe a little better than her. I am kinda confused and I don't know what the heck I am thinking of. Come on, knock my head with a hammer to wake me up!! Ish.
Things are getting difficult. When we both choose things to be in this way, it is fated that there will be tons of problems and difficulties that will be challenging our courage.
A big big sigh. Since I have lost my mind and everything. I have being indecisive, feeling regret at times and now I'm feeling thankful although it end up that I'm all alone.
Emo-ness can be infective. Got to be strong.
darling.. thanks for this afternoon's chatting session.
haha after chatting with u im kinda back to my ownself.. finally this is the day i talked the most and laughed the most after these 2 weeks... and i guess i can still be frens with him =) thank you my dear!
u r most welcome bt damn it it's my turn to b emo.. Shyt!
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