Before I start, some random CNY forwarded message I got from a friend:
Tikus lari, lembu mari;
Soi pergi, Ong Mari;
Tahun lepas sudah pergi,
Tahun ini mesti happy;
Kena Magnum, kena loteri;
Banyak money, Hua Hua Hi Hi!!!
Best thing about Chinese New Year? Ang Pows and CNY cookies la of course! Or perhaps, quality time spent together with family and close friends. Haha.
Ang (or red in Hokkien), is a very very important element during CNY. That's why Ivan kept asking me to buy a red shirt because I told him I don't have any red shirt for CNY. But still, I didn't.
Everything has a bit of red.
Even our lovely Miss Ung GuGu 'dressed' in RED too.
Very different from the previous years, we made glutinous rice balls during CNY which symbolizes reunion and together-ness.
Then, we went to prayed at the temple. It was around 1.30am that time I was darn sleepy but still have to go. Yea. To pray for good health and fortune in the new year.
Dad and Mum placed an ang pow beneath our pillows when we were sound asleep. So, sis and brother woke up the next day, happily holding their ang pows while I was like,
"How come I don't get one?"
Sis,"Haiyah, your ang pow fell to the floor edi lar!"
"EH???!! Got meh???!!" Very the sorry for my clumsiness.
After lunch, we went to Granny's house at Balik Pulau and spent a long long day with my lovely cousins.
This is how I looked like.
Intended to carry the big 'Kam' with me everywhere I go.
You want to try some? But Clic found out that it's a fake, plastic one. Okay, so this is only for decorative purposes lah.
Back to the cousins part. They are still as cute and lovely as ever. But this time they are more naughty and talkative and they came is greater number! Which made me pening kapala.
Rozene with a peace sign.
Tin Shang Yat Dui. I just noticed that, they even posed the same way. *ahem ahem*
This guy, is trying to show a peace sign. Somehow, the third finger refuses to show up. Hence that results in a 'one' sign??!!! I called that the YY's signature pose.
Sis with another very princessy cousin. =)
With the handsome.
I nearly LMAO when I saw him studying my 4-inch heels. It must be very alien to him but I bet he'll figure it out very soon.
My ang pows in DAY 1!!! Wohoo~ To my surprise, the amount of ang pow $$$ doesn't seem to shrink a lot despite of recession. Thanks god. =)
Dressed up but not going anywhere. Mum's friends visited and my job is just to collect ang pow.
DAY 3 & 4
I was walking with a big roll of tissue paper. Bad flu. Sien-ness. Fever and sore throat recovered because of the 以毒攻毒 technique I practiced. And I just recalled that I actually have 2 lab reports to be submitted after CNY and another 2 assignments. So, Day 4 is homework day lor. Sien.
Another crisis that I have to face after CNY is the gaining of weight. I totally fine with gaining weight, as long as it don't come along with fat. But do you think it is possible?

This is all my fault lah! The ribbon cookies, peanut cookies, bak kua, pinepapple tarts T______T Couldn't resist the temptation.
Got to keep myself AWAY from this section!!!
Looking forward to go back KL because we are going to Sunway Lagoon on Monday (the replacement holiday for Federal Territory Day)! And Dong Zen Temple on the coming Saturday. Sounds so fun can die. Oppsss.
p/s: How about your CNY? Must be much more interesting than mine.
pp/s: Aunty and Uncle, please come and visit my house! I need more ang pows.
ppp/s: Arggghhh. I need to drag some friends out to prevent me from rotting at home!!! @@