Again, here I am. Because studying the lung's anatomy really makes me sick. I surrender!!!!
Greatest achievement of the semester. I skipped 3 lectures/tutorials today because of 80% of not feeling well + 20% lazy-ness.
Going to visit Yakult factory in Seremban tomorrow. Kinda looking forward to it. Wonder if I can get free Yakult?? *blink blink* I <3 Yakult.
Introducing my very own way of studying.
Can be this way.
This way.
Or maybe this way??
Of course, like this also can la.
What I'm trying to say is that, nowadays, I don't study on the study table anymore. I tend to study on my bed, in the lovely room. Very often, I made my bed as messy as this (this is not yet the messiest):
:: A bed with pillows, books and notes. ::
The main problem of studying on the bed is that my tendency of dozing off while studying increases up to 200%, seriously. When I dozed off, very often, all the notes and papers will FLY all over the place. So everytime I wake up, I was like, omg.. World War III~~ (lame >.<)
Why so many things to study?????? Why???? Why????
So stressed~~~
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