*Random Updates*
School starts. =S Tired with classes everyday.
Chendy & Fernie are here, in KL* Setapak * Genting Klang * Prima Setapak! Somewhere so near to Plaza! Have been hanging out with them + Mingz + Sherril + Kuak quite frequently. Mixing too much with Chendy makes me turn crazy, as crazy as her.. With non stop laughing and crapping nonsense *bang head*
Been blood donation helper for the past two days. Get to see the real situation during blood donation, but I still dare not go for donation. I'm fear of blood and pain. *useless*
Finally made the decision for my elective subject this semester. Unexpectedly, I.. I.. I.. selected.. Management Principle (MP) rather than Organization & Human Resource (OHR). I like love my tutor, Mr. Patrick Han very much! I mean his way of talking, his style of teaching and conducting the tutorials. And the point is, he's only exclusively available for Biotech G2 (my group) Muahaha.. ^^ But, he expects much participation from us.. so.. so.. Arghh.. Hope I won't get heart attack for the next 13 weeks. *God bless*
I have been QUITE a good girl recently. I slept early and wake up early, without 赖床。During lecture, I do feel sleepy, but I 忍忍忍!Really trying very hard to be a good student. Great improvement but hopefully I still can maintain it till the end of the semester. Lol
Recently, I met a lot of long-lost old friends and old school mates from Kwang Hwa & PCGHS. And I'm happy with that! Imagine meeting back someone who has already lost connection with you for the past 7 years.. Life's really full of the unexpected! Thanks to Facebook, MSN etc etc.
Last semester's result is out today! But I still haven check yet.. Can't even manage to log in to the intranet! *nervous + shaking hands + beating hearts = worried*
p/s: Just back from pasar malam.. Ate 臭豆腐,share with Chendy but don't really like the taste.
p/p/s: Have been hanging out TOO FREQUENTLY recently. So, everyone make sure I'm staying home and be a Good Girl starting from Week 2 onwards. So, this weekend (still consider week one) anyone wanna go shopping or movie? Hehe.. =)
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