Guess what I will be doing tomorrow?
Well, I'll be practising all the PR skills that I learnt last semester
Why and How?
For your information, I volunteered to be a helper in the IFU,
an event organized by the dance club.
Only a few days ago, I was informed that my job is to serve the VIPs
*charm* That will be quite tough for me..
But it's still okay la since there are still some friends with me..
we can 'hu xiang bang mang' *LOlx*
Hopefully everything goes on well..
*I'll try my best not to disappoint you, Ms Catherine (my PR lecturer)*
u studied PR? anything do with ur biotech?hmm...*curious*
hmm... its elective subject.. to prepare us for our future career..
oic haha so great ga hahhaa. i also got put mass com as one of my choices o hahahaa.
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